As the world population is on the increase, suitable land for property development is
becoming scarce which means the price of land is likewise on the increase. Recently, a
solution to combat these challenges has risen with prominence to deal with these
complexities. We call them mixed-use real estate.
These are developments that are built to merge a mix of retail, commercial and residential units that use space effectively in the context of an ever-growing population.

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So what’s behind the admiration of mixed-use real estate?
Mixed-use developments aim to aid quality in retail, residential and commercial services in
large suburbs, ultimately breathing new life and energy into areas that didn’t previously
have much of a focal point. By integrating diverse types of real estate into a single project,
mixed-use developments bring together all foundations of neighbourhood, often described
as a Live-Work-Play community where people can enjoy all aspects of life in one place.
Mixed-use developments not only bring a community to life, but they bring life to a community.

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A shift in property aspirations
Traditionally, there has been a negative perception towards the idea of sharing space with
commercial and retail areas as it takes away from the idea of a quiet home in the suburbs.
There are some indications that this mind-set is changing.
Shifting consumer behaviour amongst the younger generations have had a role to play in
the demand increase for mixed-use developments and this is to be seen with different
generations having diverse property aspirations. Home ownership in the suburbs, once
classified as the quintessential dream, has declined among the people who now look at
merging convenience and lifestyle, placing priority in living within a vibrant area close to
their work, shop and leisure activities.

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More green spaces
Mixed-use developments have also pointed towards being a green and sustainable route.
The effective use of space in itself creates a more sustainable option making it soar in
popularity for more ethical living. Furthermore, a number of developers are aiming to use
green materials that cultivate energy efficiency for the consumers, which ultimately go a
long way in creating a better world for its endurance. In addition to protecting the life cycle
of the property itself, the energy efficiency aspect is appealing for many tenants – a factor
that is likely to see them around for quite some time.

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A seamless blend of services
The right mix of residential, retail and commercial are particularly crucial for a mixed-use
development to be successful. If each facet does not compliment the other, developers can
face a challenge not being able to fill the new space. There needs to be the right
combination of residential, retail and commercial for home-owners to feel the peace and
tranquillity that a home offers, for shopping to be made accessible for easy convenience and
businesses to receive footfall to thrive. All these services need to work in synchrony
together that aren’t a detriment to each other but rather an augmentation to an upgrade in

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Convenience at your doorstep
Because mixed-use developments merge a number of services, it brings multiple uses into
what creates a cohesive development. In the past, many people living in suburbs would
have to commute to places of work, recreation and convenience to cater for their day-to-
day activities and duties, whereas now this type of real estate provides services within reach
and close to where they live. The objective of this kind of real-estate is to create an
opportunity for people to have access to all the uses they need, reducing unwanted lengthy

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Neighbourhood connections
With the increase of mixed-use developments comes an increase in shared community
spaces that enhance neighbourhood connections. Spaces could range from patios,
community rooms and fitness centres that give all tenants of the building an area to meet
each other and take part in recreational activities. Tenants can enjoy some fresh air, meet
and greet neighbours, and engage with the surrounds of the neighbourhood eventually
building and strengthening a community.

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Experience enhanced real estate
As the property market progresses, experience based real estate is now on the rise with
consumers aspiring to pair a high-grade product with a phenomenal living experience to
indulge in. Mixed-use developments offer a chance at this through the very design and
structure in which it is created, making this an ideal place for lifestyle upgrades.
Interested in finding out more about buying property? Please leave us your details and we will get in touch with you!